Dear Yefry

I started reading “Outlive Your Life” by Max Lucado.

One of the things he talks about includes these questions (paraphrased by me):

  1. Would you have taken a stand against Hitler?
  2. Would you have taken a stand against racism during the Civil Rights era?

In my mind I’m thinking, “Definitely…Most definitely….Well I would hope so…”

The next question is:

When your grandchildren discover you lived during a day where 1.75 billion were poor and 1 billion hungry, how will they judge your response?

Hmmmm….that’s a great question.

This thought ruminated in my mind for awhile. Then I saw a post about Compassion International on The Lettered Cottage blog. I’ve heard about Compassion, but it never really connected in my head. There’s a link in the Lettered Cottage post from The Gypsy Mama blog talking about how important the correspondence from sponsors to the children is. She talks to children (now grown men) who were Compassion children about what it means to hear from sponsors. Here’s what they said…

I listened as Mynar spelled out the three reasons why the letters that have come from Margaret in the U.K. for the past fourteen years are saved and re-read time and time again:

  1. Everyone loves to brag when they get a letter; it stinks to come to the Center on mail days and there’s nothing for you.
  2. It tells me someone loves me.
  3. It is a confirmation of what I learn at the Center – that God values me.

Folks can sponsor a child for only $38 a month and provide:

  • nutritious snacks or meals
  • educational opportunities
  • health and hygiene training
  • medical checkups
  • the caring embrace of a local church
  • the message of God’s love through Jesus Christ

I thought, “Wow. I have to do this.” So I did…and here’s our Yefry…


He’s the same age as the girls. He lives in the Dominican Republic with his mom who sometimes works as a laborer. Look at those eyes.

About Meagan Cramer

A working wife and mother of teenage twin sweeties. Working on life, family, friends and growing my faith with a few stumbles and triumphs along the way.
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