Sambura what?

I promised you another God moment and here it is. Our church supports a missionary family in Sambura Maa, Africa which is close to Meru, Africa. Wondering where that’s at? Take a look below.

Map of Africa & US

There’s been some AMAZING stuff happening there…too many amazing things for one post (more to come, I promise!).

I will not do the story justice, but here’s my understanding. Fours year ago our church gave money to fund the Jesus film (the book of Luke made into a movie) to be translated in the native tongue of the Samburu people.

There were many trials and tribulations…but the time is now here. The movie will be released to the Samburu people on May 25 in a soccer stadium. A soccer stadium (think small bleachers and a big dirt field)!! Can you imagine!?

Wanna get a feeling for what it will it will be like? Check this out

On May 20, a team of six will leave and head to Africa to be there for the release. One of the two will be Steve & Wesa (two of the sweetest people ever).

Steve & Wesa…aren’t they cute?

How neat is that!? Can you imagine being there when someone hears the story of Jesus for the first time…and in their native language? To borrow from Steve, “mind blowing!”

If your heart feels tugged to join in, here are some things you can pray for:

  • The logistics of the trip will come together and the trip will go smoothly
  • For optimal weather and safe travel
  • God will prepare the hearts of those who will attend the premiere

There are so many more amazing things happening there. I plan to cover each one separately so I give them each their due justice. I’m also hoping dear Wesa will write a piece or two about their trip.

Just to give you an idea of what the area is like, here’s some information I pulled from Compassion International.

Population:      4000
Home floor typically made of:      Dirt
Home walls typically made of:      Wood
Home roof typically made of:      Leaves/Grass/Thatch
Climate:      Dry
Terrain:      Plains/Flat land
Planting Month(s):      March, July
Rainy Month(s):      April, October
Harvest Month(s):      June
Illness Month(s):      April, October, December
Average Family monthly income:      6.2500
Primary Occupation:      Animal Herding

I can’t wait until they return so we can hear and see how it went.

It’s so fun to see God’s hand at work, isn’t it?

About Meagan Cramer

A working wife and mother of teenage twin sweeties. Working on life, family, friends and growing my faith with a few stumbles and triumphs along the way.
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2 Responses to Sambura what?

  1. Pingback: Being average | Ah me oh my

  2. Pingback: It’s a ‘being’ trip | Ah me oh my

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